Tramola 24.2 released


Create scenarios. Manage runs. Analyze results.
The modelling suite for MATSim.

We are proud to announce the availability of the newest version of Tramola. The main feature of the new version are brand new map-based visualizations, where the outputs of MATSim runs can be displayed and queried in an engaging visual manner.

Read on to learn about the newest features, or directly head over to download Tramola.


Map-Based Visualization

Powerful network visualizations

Tramola allows you to use arbitrary link attributes to style your network visualization. It supports a variety of color ramps and can automatically design color assignments to attribute values. Alternatively, users have the option to manually configure colors and widths in a very detailed way if a need for highly customized visualizations exists.

Visualization of number of lanes in a network of Berlin

Customizable travel demand analysis

Tramola currently provides time-dependent link volumes and an interactive select link analysis (sometimes also called flow-bundle analysis). Customizable filtering options allow to visualize link volumes only for a sub-set of trips, e.g. trips with a travel-time longer than 30 minutes, or trips of agents older than 50 years (provided your scenario contains such attributes).

Flow bundle analysis on a link in Berlin

Vehicle visualization

What would a MATSim visualization be without moving vehicles? Tramola has you covered with a selection of different vehicles styles to choose from.

Visualization of simulated vehicles on a map.

Clearly, the visualization capabilities are still limited when compared to Via, but rest assured that we plan to continuously extend and enhance the visualization capabilities of Tramola.

Download the latest version

The new version of Tramola is available immediately from the Download page!